Thursday, November 21, 2019

Online Networking to Build Hope in a Slowly Recovering Job Market

Online Networking to Build Hope in a Slowly Recovering Job MarketOnline Networking to Build Hope in a Slowly Recovering Job MarketTodays post comes from Megan Totka. Megan is the Chief Editor for which is thelargest business directory on the web. connects local businesses to their localChamber of Commerce.It has been said that looking for a job is a full time job in itself. This is especially true if you are unemployed or facing a layoff situation, you need to make finding a job the focus of your daily routine. Despite all the dreary news we are hearing about fiscal cliffs and the poor economy, there is hope in the job market just asthere was hope in 2009 during the height of the economic crisis.How does online networking help your job search?Expanding on that article of hope, lets look at online networking as way to keep hope alive in your job search. It is easy to become discouraged and frustrated when seeking employment, but with some go od networking that search can be greatly reduced.First it is important to understand what online networking is. This is not networking with your friends about who won the Monday night game last week. This is professional level networking targeted to one purpose landing a job. You must remain professional at all times and keep everything you do online to a professional level. LinkedIn is probably one of the greatest online networking sites for professionals. With a LinkedIn profile you can send messages and requests for information to people you have never met. When using any networking service, follow the guideline below to help you enjoy a more successful search.Dont get too wordy.Keep your cold call introductions quick, simple, and professional. Dont ask too many questions and dont expound on your great accomplishments in this first message. This first message is just an introduction, a hook if you will to get their attention. Once you have their attention and their response is po sitive, you can then take the next step and delve into more detailed questions.Dont however, just abflug firing questions on the second email. Use this as an opportunity to request an informational interview via telephone or email. Taking these small steps displays your interest in the company but it also shows your respect for the person you are contacting. It shows that you recognize they are busy professionals and that you understand their need to concentrate on their duties and tasks.Use your exiting contacts.LinkedIn has a feature that allows your existing connections to introduce you to their connections. This is good when one of your existing connections is connected to someone you want to meet. You can then ask that existing connection to introduce you. This is usually received in a much more positive light than cold calling or introducing yourself which can lead tothat awkward moment of silence.This works because the person you want to meet already knows the person introdu cing you. If they have them listed as a connection it generally means they enjoy an amicable relationship either in the real world or online. There is a risk here that the person introducing you has in some way offended the person you are being introduced too. There is nothing you can do about this except trust that existing connection to be honest with you.Reach out smartly.The reality of the business world is that politics do enter into the picture and there is generally a clear pecking reservierung of who talks to whom. If you are a mid-level professional and you are only reaching out to CEO and executive level professionals, you are hurting your chances of employment. Reach out to the professionals at the same career level as you or maybe one step higher. In this way you will get yourself known in an organization by people who can influence hiring decisions. A great way to meet these professionals that can help you in your job search is by joining aprofessional organization in y our area related to your industry.Slow down.Hi this is Bob and I would like a job is not the best way to introduce yourself to someone. Networking takes time and requires a relationship to develop. Jumping in with both feet and asking for a job will only hurt your chances of getting a job. As you build your relationship discuss more and more aspects of your career. As the person gets to know you then they may even point you in the direction of a job.Be original.Resume and profile templates are great for speed and efficiency. Do you really want it to appear that you have done your job search in a hurry? bedrngnis really. Avoid using templates as much as possible. Overuse of templates for resumes, cover letters, or profiles can tend to make employers believe you have little creativity and imagination. In a worst case scenario it can make them feel like you dont think applying to their company is worth the time and effort to do something unique.Networking is about building relationship s overtime. You should never wait until you are unemployed to start your networking efforts. Networking is something you should concentrate on throughout your career. The saying dont burn your bridges is just as valid today as when it was first coined. Take the time tonetwork properly and you will see better results in your efforts.Readers, what are your tips for online networking? Let us know in the comments section below

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